One of the Benefits of the IPA is our support of
phal related publications
From the inception, education, enhancement and sharing the joy of growing phalaenopsis has been a central purpose of the IPA. The association has funded and number of phalaenopsis technical journals. The early newsletters of the ’90’s developed into the glossy hard copy journals of full color and even more intense information. The hardcopy journal eventually evolved into our current members only benefit
The Journal 'Phalaenopsis'
Phalaenopsis, 'A Monograph'
Phalaenopsis, 'The Genus in Pictures'

From the original newsletter, to a glossy hard copy publication and now, a quarterly electronic journal. The journal ‘Phalaenopsis’ is a premium IPA Members only benefit. All 132 volumes are available for member access in our Journal Library.
Hard cover, or paperback, this IPA supported publication was an update by Dr. Eric Christenson to Sweet’s pivotal phal publication. Out of publication but occassionally available on the web.
The Genus in color was published for the IPA to cover all the species of phalaenopsis at the time of its publication. This is a resource printing that deserves a place in everyone’s phal library. Out of print but available on the web.