Who is the IPA?
'A horticultureal Cloak of many Colors'
Simply put, . . . the International Phalaenopsis Alliance is a member driven group with a focus on all things relating to the Phalaenopsis. From the latest science, the earliest histories, to the most modern hybrids, culture techniques and phalaenopsis evolutions in today’s phal world. Our membership encompasses the scientist, hobbyist of all skills, commercial growers, students, retirees and many, many other occupations all working together for the common goal of enjoying our favorite orchid, the Phalaenopsis.
The IPA provides a quarterly electronic journal, ‘Phalaenopsis’. Phal.org’s library offers all copies of past journals in viewable pdf format on both desktops, tablets and mobile phones.

The IPA provides a quarterly electronic journal, ‘Phalaenopsis’. Phal.org’s library offers all copies of past journals in viewable pdf format on both desktops, tablets and mobile phones.

The IPA provides a quarterly electronic journal, ‘Phalaenopsis’. Phal.org’s library offers all copies of past journals in viewable pdf format on both desktops, tablets and mobile phones.

The IPA provides a quarterly electronic journal, ‘Phalaenopsis’. Phal.org’s library offers all copies of past journals in viewable pdf format on both desktops, tablets and mobile phones.
The IPA provides a quarterly electronic journal, ‘Phalaenopsis’. Phal.org’s library offers all copies of past journals in viewable pdf format on both desktops, tablets and mobile phones.

The IPA provides a quarterly electronic journal, ‘Phalaenopsis’. Phal.org’s library offers all copies of past journals in viewable pdf format on both desktops, tablets and mobile phones.