The Library Phalaenopsis
Knowledge and education, things that always are popular. Along with decades of the journal ‘Phalaenopsis’, we offer an eclectic mix of research, videos and electronic publications for our members and interested public.
- The journal ‘Phalaenopsis’, an invitation only benefit for IPA Members.
- A collection of Videos of orchid interest with a slant towards phalaenopsis.
- Collections of print Articles that focus on various aspects of orchids with a focus on phals.
The Journal Phalaenopsis
We offer more than 30 years of our journal ‘Phalaenopsis. All issues have been digitized for online viewing access is by invitation only for Members. Use your personal access key. No key, above link will get you to the key request form.
Videos of Phal Interest
Beginning with 3rd party videos, we hope to build out this section with IPA produced phal oriented videos on how-to’s, culture and discussions on breeding and other points of phal interest.
Phalaenopsis and Related Articles of Interest
More towards the educational and scientific minded. Articles of interest posted that impact on phalaenopsis. We will be presenting these on a regular basis as they become available